Dr Sam Osmanagich 21
Global Pyramid Conference 2021
1h 49m
The Bosnian Pyramid complex consists of six pyramids and three tumuli and most extensive prehistorical underground tunnel network. Elements of sacred geometry, astronomical and calendar aspects, huge quantities of quartz crystal, underground water flows, perfect side alignment with the cardinal points, best quality geopolymer concrete material - it's all present in this 29.200 year old pyramid complex in Bosnia. Teams of physicists and engineers have proven existence of Tesla's scalar waves on the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun used for long distance communication. Measured combination of beneficial energy properties (28 kHz ultrasound, best EM frequency, original Schuman resonance of 7.83 Hz, highest concentration of negative ions, absence of all harmful radiations) creates safest and healthiest environment for improvement of human health, molecular structure of water and food, immunity, auric field, spiritual abilities, etc. This pioneering interdisciplinary scientific approach will revolutionized world of science.
Up Next in Global Pyramid Conference 2021
Faye Henry 21
Gong composer Faye Henry creates the music of the spheres for relaxation and rejuvenation. Lie down, relax, and listen as your body relaxes and heals.
George Gelee 21
Discover the location of the newly found pyramid in the United States.
George Gele 21 Day 2
Balancing the energy of the pyramid to benefit ourselves.